Monday, March 14, 2011

New Dress

I don't think there's anything that cheers me up more than a beautiful day. The frigid winter weather never fails to get me down in the dumps, and heavy sweaters always seem to be itchy on my skin. Needless to say, when those first glimpses of spring days come along I am overjoyed to slip into my summer uniform - a light , flowing sun dress.

Several weeks ago mother nature graced us with what felt like the perfect spring day. My friends and I welcomed the change in climate and, taking advantage of the weather, took a trip into Soho. After finally managing to navigate the subway system, we arrived at our destination - a street lined with stores and boutiques. We window shopped at the more expensive stores like Ben Sherman and Prada, but we took advantage of the small stores with hip, inexpensive clothing. One of these boutiques was called Mystique. It's not a fancy place, but the clothing was cute and cost next to nothing, perfect for a college girl's budget.

After a few minutes of browsing, my eyes gravitated to a dress hanging in the back of the store. It was off-white and covered in different flowers. A soft ruffle adorned the neckline and hem, and a belt cinched in the waist. I loved it. And as fate would have it, the only one left was in my size.

I tried it on and it was love at first zip. I hadn't even thought of the price, assuming its price would follow the same trend as everything else in the store. I cringed as I flipped over the tag, revealing the price. Twenty bucks? I think I can handle that.

My new dress now hangs perfectly amongst the rest of my clothes in my over-crowded closet. With three girls living in one tiny room, you couldn't expect anything less.

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