Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dot Com Fever

My pride and joy of this multimedia class...

30 whole minutes of me discussing and showing some of my favorite viral videos.

Dot Com Fever from kellytalento on Vimeo.

News Story

Donald Trump has clearly got it wrong...

Friday, May 6, 2011

A bit of advice

Part of me absolutely hates the idea of final exams, but the other part absolutely loves it. Having to cram that last week means that it's almost all over, and that it's time to go home for the summer. Nothing feels nicer than laying in your own bed, in your own house, surrounded by only your stuff, without two other girls crowed you at all times of the day.

Let's just go ahead and review some of the more memorable moments in my dorm this semester, and why I will never miss having two room mates...

1. One of my room mate throwing up in her bed, so belligerently, that she fell back in it.

Yes. That happened. Nothing better to walk into after a long night than your half-clothed roomie passed out in spew.

2. My other room mate flipping over her desk, breaking everything on it, and her boyfriend passing out on our floor.

Possibly my favorite night... not. Nothing's better than cleaning up your best friend's things while she combo cries/vomits.

3. Me coming into the room, alone, and then continuing to get sick for the next 10 hours.

Yes, I too am guilty of making a bit of a mess. However I did take care of business and clean it up myself. Proud moment...

So if you've never lived with other people your age before, get ready. You know all those gross little secret things you do? They do them too, and maybe no so secretly. Yes, it's definitely an experience and it can go really well or horribly, but always try to have fun.

Incoming freshmen want some advice? Well lucky you, I've got some tips:

1. Don't limit your group of friends to just your suite mates or room mates.

It may seem like you and your room mates are destined to be BFF from day one, but trust me, it's rarely like that. When you first move in everyone is so eager to make friends, so everyone is nice, polite, fun, and down for anything. Give it about 2-3 weeks, you'll see people's true colors and how they really are once the shock of first being a college kid fades.

2. Don't let anyone borrow anything, and keep track of your stuff.

One of my room mates steals. Don't bother asking her, she'll deny it, but you know it's true when you see her wearing your clothes and see your UNDERWEAR on the top of her hamper. YES, I said underwear. Try not to cringe, it's hard I know. I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your stuff yours, and other people's stuff theirs. Don't touch your roomie's stuff, and pray she wont touch yours.

3. Don't be afraid to set rules in your room.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not setting boundaries and rules in their rooms. You may not want to be the bad guy, and you may not want to seem lame, but it is so important to talk to your room mates about certain key issues. If you don't say that you want people out by a certain time or you don't say that you don't want a bunch of people partying in your room IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. I can promise you that. You're not a bad guy, your room mates are probably thinking of some of their own rules anyway.

4. Bring cleaning supplies, and lots of 'em.

I'm serious. Vomit doesn't clean itself. Either do bathrooms, floors, and laundry. Your rubber gloves will end up being your best friends by the time winter break comes.

I CANNOT wait to leave St. John's. It's really nice to be with your friends all the time, but personal space is just a bit nicer.