Sunday, January 30, 2011


I never thought that moving from home would be such a huge transition for me. I mean, I only live an hour away, but it still feels like I left everything and everyone I used to know so far away.  Being broke has not helped either. Without a steady job and the high price of everything in the city, it seems like no matter what I do or how careful I am I’ll always still be worried about that number in the bank account. This may sound like I’m complaining, but I’m actually extremely happy that I came away to school. Without my parents there as a financial buffer, I’ve learned to find more happiness and enjoyment in the things around me that I see every day and not worry about material possessions so much. That’s what I’ve decided to write this blog about, all the new things that I see that I probably wouldn’t have even glanced at before. I’ve never been this aware of all the little things or how much joy they really bring me.

Ducks Near the Great Lawn

The walk back to my hall from the D’Angelo Center is never a pleasant one, especially at night… in the freezing cold. Oh and did I mention it’s snowing? Anyway, as I turn the corner and start past the great lawn I hear something that I haven’t heard in a long time. Quacks. Coming from Long Island, I have seen plenty of Ducks in my life. I never expected to see them here though, on campus in the freezing cold. I wasn’t even sure where they had come from. It was a classic scene; the big duck led the line with a row a smaller ducks following it. The whole scenario seemed so out of place, but it still made me smile. It brought back memories of home. I remember as a kid playing out at the duck pond a few miles by my house and feeding tiny pieces of bread to what I thought were the cutest ones. After that my mom would almost always take me to our favorite pizza place next to Sylvan Park, where my brother used to play little league baseball.

Sylvan Park

Seeing the ducks brought back so many memories from home. Not only from days in my childhood, but from where I come from. Seeing the ducks waddling in a line made the walk from D’Angelo back to St. Vincent’s bearable and even, dare I say, slightly enjoyable.

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